Now that the Still River Greenway Trail has been constructed, our focus of the Still River Alliance has shifted and broadened. Some of our primary objectives are as follows:
- Maintenance of the trail
- Advertising the trail to the community
- Clearing river blockages to provide canoe / Kayak access
- Keeping the river and the Greenway Trail clean
- Expanding our reach beyond the Greenway Trail, to other areas of the river within the City of Danbury
- Help to maintain the native gardens planted in 2013
Central to the accomplishment of these objectives is the recruiting of volunteers. In 2013, we participated in “Clean City Danbury Day” and removed lots of trash from the river and trail area. The Alliance also recruited “Still River Stewards” who have provided funding and/or manpower to help us.
If you would like to volunteer, contact us at: stillriveralliance@gmail.com.