Behind every successful project is an organization that steers its progress. The organization responsible for
implementing the Still River Greenway project is the “Still River Alliance." Organized in 1995, the Alliance is a
consortium of three different groups.
• Public Agencies: Involved with resource protection, conservation or greenway development. Members
include the Department of Environmental Protection, the Danbury Parks and Recreation Department, and
the Danbury Health Department.
• Conservation Organizations and Advocacy Groups: The National Audubon Society, Danbury
Preservation Trust, Swampfield Land Trust, Sierra Club, Danbury Conservation Commission and the Housatanic Valley Association are examples of the Conservation groups who serve on the Alliance.
• Land Owners/Corporate Sponsors/Private Citizens: Property owners who have frontage on or near the Still River Corridor are also represented on the Alliance. This group includes property owners with land directly affected by the project (where a permanent conservation easement is being negotiated with the City) and corporate citizens in the vicinity of the project corridor who have chosen to voluntarily promote this as a worthy civic project. The Alliance has also benefitted from the contributions of many philanthropists and private citizens.
The Alliance meets monthly at the Danbury Parks & Recreation office. If you would like to join the
Alliance, participate in our events, make a donation, or be placed on our mailing list, contact us at